WIP's (Yes, I Am Aware of My Absence)

So, as you can most likely tell, I have been completely inactive over the past two to three months. I deeply apologize and have to just mention that I have also been inactive on paper. Drawing, for me at least, has been on hold as I am preparing for my end of year terms and schooling adjustments, so I have been busy academically.
   Here's those WIP's, and I hope y'all can provide some feedback on the overall design and finished product!

Totally Skylor, mah doods.


Y'all may not be aware of this, but I have been reading the Darker Shade of Magic series by V.E. Schwab recently. Probably my favorite books ever!!! Anyways, this is the main protagonist Kell, the adoptive prince of Arnes.

Yeah, so here's Gabby again. I was inspired by Season 4 and The Tournament. (This is also before she cut her hair!)
See y'all later!


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