Smoke Halo | OC: Milo Greene Roberts

So, this is my OC Milo. I had done about three pieces of him back in 2017, but never did anything else of him specifically. This is because I kind of forgot about him until I was scrolling in my photos. I saw my old character sheet of him and decided to redraw him on this hot spring day. Using the old character sheet, I took the colors from it, basic clothing design, body type, etc. You know, the appearance and exaggerated features. Both were done in Adobe Illustrator Draw. 
     Milo had a story that was pretty interesting to me at the time. He was an orphan living in Los Angeles. From what I've gathered on my thoughts at the time, apparently, he was a very hostile person. Messed around with his hoodlum friends and stuff doing things like steal from candy stores and mug rich people in the area, ya know, normal stuff. He also had telepathy and telekinesis and liked cats a lot (which I do not. I am the exact opposite of a cat lover). In the end, he turned out to be a stereotypical LA orphan child (though he was apparently 18 and had survived for years off of stolen and donated food. He barely ever drinks water, especially from the reservoir in his area because he got a virus from it once).
     You also may notice that I have traded in my handwriting skills for drawing skills and it's still like this today but I just write differently.

And here's the old character sheet:

Hope you enjoyed!

Keep drawing,


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