Endgame Talk (SPOILERS) | 5.18.19

    So... about Endgame. There is no paid sponsorship from Marvel LLC for the content of this article to remain specific to their terms. This is an opinionated article, and all characters discussed belong to the Disney company. This is gonna be spoiler-filled, and I'm warning you now in the event you have not seen it. Now, we may begin the talk...

       In my opinion, Avengers: Endgame was an incredibly amazing and meaningful movie in the history of the MCU (Marvel Cinematic Universe). The actors did an incredible job bringing their characters to life on the screen and made the entire movie emotional, sympathetic and humorous.
       As the end of Robert Downey Jr.'s, Chris Evans', and Scarlett Johanssen's contract came close, it was right to assume they would pass on in this movie. Each way that the characters were put down to rest was painful and joyous as their tortured selves close their eyes, knowing that there are no more nightmares. It was very emotional for me to see Black Widow fall, but only because she had nothing to go back to if Hawkeye were to live. This also applied to Tony Stark's untimely death, in which Steven Strange had rightfully predicted. He even had a daughter and wife, but in the event of snapping Thanos' army out of existence, he had decided to give himself up for their well-being as well as the rest of Earth's people.
        It is my opinion that Steven Rogers had lived his life to the fullest in the MCU. After he traveled back at the end of the movie, he finally got to be with Peggy Carter, the girl of his dreams. After he had been originally frozen in the ice, Rogers had been saddened by the fact Peggy had grown so old. He had always kept her photograph in a compass he had kept since the war to keep her memory alive in his mind. Sam Wilson, the Falcon, had received Rogers' shield in the end and became the new Captain America. As for James "Bucky" Barnes, Steve's life-long best friend, he had watched Sam be bequeathed the shield. I was truly surprised at how he didn't have a specific ending in this movie, but I would assume that Bucky will receive more screen-time in a later movie.
      Currently, Avengers 5 is scheduled for the year 2022, and I am excited to see all of these characters with a new conflict. See you then for another Avengers review talk!



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